We are very happy to have received a single RCA 1802E from John Culver of the CPU Shack Museum. (John has been a great contributor to our project). We depackagaed the chip using hot sulfuric acid and put it under the scope on 1/24/2011.
1600 x 1227 1.29 mb
7164 x 5496 19 mb
1600 x 1227 130 kb
The above shots are after ultrasonic cleaning for 5 minutes in soapy water. The shots below are before cleaning.
1600 x 1241 1.27 mb
7058 x 5474 17 mb
1600 x 1241 153 kb
The die shot is stitched from 120 separate microscope shots taken with a Nikon LV150 with an LU Plan Fluor 20x objective. The images were corrected and stitched automatically by Christian Sattler in the UK using
and custom code. The map of stitched images is shown on the right.
These are reduced resolution copies of the full size die shots. The full size shots are about 15000 x 11000 pixels.
If you enjoy these images and our work, please consider a donation to further this work. We're a small group of enthusiasts who devote our free time and money to preserve computer technology. Your support is a valuable contribution to computer history and to preserving classic computer hardware in the public domain.