Nintendo RP2A03 and RP2A07

Christian Sattler of the UK has teamed up with us and made his excellent RP2A03 images available on this site. We've also depackaged an RP2A07 and plan to have die shots soon. You can see the 6502 core in the lower right of Christian's die shot. We don't have a package photograph of Christian's chip.

Images below are of an RP2A03G.

1500 x 1573 jpg 803 kb
6500 x 6391 jpg 13 MB
1500 x 1573 jpg 623 kb
6500 x 6391 jpg 7.33 MB
These images were shot, corrected, and stitched automatically by Christian Sattler in the UK using Autopano-sift-C and custom code. The largest image here is a bit more than half the size in each dimension of the original die shot, which is 12772 x 12558 pixels.

Quietust has annotated the layers of this chip and is working on a simulation. Images are available on his site, and we'll be posting them here soon.

If you enjoy these images and our work, please consider a donation to further this work.  We're a small group of enthusiasts who devote our free time and money to preserve computer technology.  Your support is a valuable contribution to computer history and to preserving classic computer hardware in the public domain.